Friday, December 12, 2008

What is an Informational Interview?

What is an Informational Interview?

Well, yes, obviously it's an interview where you get information.

But how, where, when and why do you do informational interviews?

You can do them for any of three reasons.

If you want to decide what training or education to get.
If you want to know if a particular job is for you.
If you want to find a job.

An informational interview involves talking to the person who already knows what you want to know and asking them the questions to which you want answers.

How do you set up an informational interview?
You just phone, or e-mail and ask if the person could spare 10 -15 minutes to speak to you, and tell them what you want to speak about.

More detail in exactly how to go about this on other upcoming posts, but for now, just be working out who knows the information you want. Make a list and you're ready for the next step.

Need more help to find that ideal job?


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