Saturday, January 24, 2009

Your uniqueness can help you find work

What can you do for the employer that no-one else can? What is the uniqueness you bring to this job? Knowing that can make all the difference to your job search.

There will be a great many things that anyone looking for the same job as you will, presumably, be able to do.

For an receptionist job, for example, it is to be hoped that all applicants will be able answer phones, speak politely to clients in person or on the phone, relay messages, and many other typical reception duties.

But what is your uniqueness?

For example, if you have a second language or have lived for any length of time in another country, then when you apply for a job, mention your language and cultural experience, even if it's not requested.

If you have past experience working as a "techie" in IT, and are now looking for an office job, again especially if it is a small company you are applying with, mentioning your ability to keep computers running might make all the difference to your chances of landing an interview.

I am not suggesting it will get you into a job for which you are not well qualified, but if you have the qualifications, it might just be the thing that swings it for you if you also do a good job of the interview.

Employers, especially smaller companies, are very interested in the "freebies" employees might bring with them. So each time you see a job advertisement that interests you, think what else you have to offer that might make all the difference to this employer.

More help with job search.

Need to find a job fast?

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