Wednesday, February 11, 2009

If you can't get one job, have you considered two or more?

Although less than 50% of workers in North America have full time (37+ hours a week) jobs, that is what most people still think of when they think about "getting a job."
But it's not the only option.

2 or more part time jobs can be a solution. And I know, many people don't want to have several part time jobs, and often the benefits that come with a full time job are not there.

But if you can't get that full time job at the moment, it can be a very viable option.

The benefits of more than one part time job are that you gain a wider variety of skills. Perhaps your 2 jobs are quite different, or perhaps they are doing the same type of work for more than one employer. Either way, you will learn more skills and, if you do a good job, gain more great references.

If boredom has ever been an issue in your work, 2 different part time jobs can ease that considerably.

You will meet more coworkers, and have the opportunity through that not just to make more friends, but also, to hear what else is going on the outside world of work from more people ... giving you a greater chance to hear of full time work when it reappears.

Try looking on the positive.

When you look on the negative all you see are the negative points. But everything has a positive side. Actively look for the positives in the concept of more than one part time job, and you will be surprised how many you will find.

As a confirmed part-time-in-more-than-one-job worker myself, I can tell you quite honestly that I love it, and would never want to have one full time job ever again.

Think about it ... what part time work could you do?

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